Monday, February 20, 2017

Avocado ice cream


This week was super exciting, filled with a lot of fun and running
around everywhere because we were super busy. It's a great thing!! I
was able to: 1. Brush horses for service.  2. Eat Avocado Ice cream.
And 3. Have a lot of fun while doing it and also seeing sister Bingham
and it just made me so happy.

OKAYYYY. So, there is a family in our ward that we do service for
every Thursday before dinner. We were going to pull some weeds in the
back yard when our member goes, "well actually would yall be willing
to brush the horses? They havent been brushed in awhile... so they
need it.." UMMM YEAH WE WILL. That was a cool experience. I also
braided the horses hair... apparently im good at it and should do it
for horse shows... I guess thats my next new job.

We had dinner with the bishop of the North Valley ward this week, and
that is where i tasted the delicious avocado ice cream. My companion,
Sister Posadas, is from the Phillipines and she said that she missed
eating avocado and cheese ice cream. He didn't make the cheese ice
cream... but he did make the avocado one and it is so. FLIPPEN. Good.
I highly recommend making some if you have an ice cream maker. its
probably one of my favorite flavors of ice cream now... So that was

We went to the temple on Friday night, because sister Posadas'
investigators were getting sealed. It was a really amazing experience
to see a family being sealed together. Ive been to a sealing before,
but this one was different because the parents were getting sealed to
their 4 kids. I didn't know them at all, but it was still such a
spiritual experience. I love the temple so much.

I think my mission has really made me realize how much God loves his
children. This week we were also able to give food to two homeless
men. We just gave them some leftovers that members had given us, but
the two men were so thankful and appreciative. They didn't really want
to learn more about the church, but you could just see how grateful
they were.

Im grateful to be a missionary at this time. At the beginning I didn't
really know what my purpose was for serving a mission. People would
ask me, "so why did you decide to serve a mission?"
I gave them some vague answers that they were good enough with... But
I now know why I am out here and why this is so important. Im here
because i love my Heavenly Father, and i know that he loves me. I want
everyone to know that they have someone who loves them! I also know
that the gospel has blessed me, personally in my life. Im thankful for
the opportunity and for all of the wonderful people that i have met!

I love you all. Have a good week!!

P.s- i love sister Posadas

Love, Sister Arnold

1. A picture of some of my area, and my truck
2. Horse fun ( I could've made a really dumb joke but I didn't...)
3. Phoenix temple at night!!
4. It was raining and the mountains looked cool... so why not...

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