Monday, August 7, 2017

Namaste shawties

Hey yallllllllllll....

This is my last full week in the beloved Arizona Phoenix mission.
These 18 months haven't exactly flown by.... they've gone just the
right speed I think. I'm so grateful for the friendships I've made,
the spirit that I've felt, and the experiences that I've had. I
wouldn't trade any of this for anything. Even the hard times when I
literally wanted to quit then and there.... I wouldn't even trade
those moments.

This past Sunday sister Mckenzie and I taught the cute primary kids.
We taught in both wards, it was so fun. We taught about being kind to
our friends and family, and they all drew cute little pictures of how
they're going to do nice things for their friends. Afterwards we gave
them little tootsie roll suckers and I got a hug from 150 kids haha.
It was so sweet.

Well, I've loved my mission.... I've definitely seen a change in
myself over this past year and a half and I'm thankful for everyone
I've been able to meet and teach. I know that this church is true...
I've seen the miracles and the blessings that have come from being the
lord's servant. I have truly been converted to the gospel of Jesus
Christ and I'm thankful for that. Missions are hard... they try your
patience, and make you really think and work hard. I'm thankful! I'm
just so thankful for this experience, and I Cant wait to tell y'all
more about it when I'm home. I love you all... thanks for reading
these emails for a year and a half!!

See y'all soon!!

Love, Sister Malloree Arnold

1. Cute cam
2.  Air balloons!!
3. The district...
4. Hahah
5. He didn't want me to leave!!

Monday, July 31, 2017


In New River there are literally hundreds on bunnies and birds and
snakes. And I see them all the time!! Well, usually the bunnies are
smart and won't run into the street as you're driving by... the birds
are kinda dumb because they literally fly into your car all the time.
It's like they have a death wish or something... and then the
snakes... they don't really go in the street, they're usually off to
the side watching how dumb the bunnies and the birds are.
Anyways, I ran over yet another bunny this week. We were driving at
6:50am to go give some elder's keys to a church building... and the
poor thing ran in front of my car and did a little dance under my car.
Probably the worst way to start my day... BUT plan of salvation is
real...... ;)

So this week went by kinda fast. I had MLC... it's always a nice
meeting and I can see my homies who are also in leadership. President
Collins is starting to get the hang of things. He's a really awesome
person, and is already making the mission a better place. He made me
stand up and bear my testimony since I'm going home soon.... it was
sad!!! But also really cool to see how much I've grown spiritually
this past year and a half.

Not much else happened.... we've just been trying to contact as many
people as we can. Gotta keep busy haha. Plus, I want to be around my
wards as much as I can before I go home... I really love the wards I'm
serving in. This week will be busy and fun, I have exchanges, I'm
going to the temple and I also have an interview with president
Collins. Should be fun!!

Have a great week y'all!

1. A cute little girl gave us each a shopkin ahahahahah we were honored.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Official letter of release

I can't believe it's here already!! We are so excited!❤️

What's your favorite Holiday?


Yesterday we had dinner with our north valley Ward member, and we were
talking with her kids and having fun. I asked her 4 year old boy what
his favorite holiday was and he paused and said "ummmmm....
Wednesday!!!" Hahahahah it was so cute. Then we asked them who was guy
on top of the Phoenix temple and he shouted "ITS MARONE!!!" We were
dying laughing the whole dinner...

These two weeks have been fun, crazy, and busy. Last week was the
start of a new transfer. I'm staying in the Daisy Mountain/ north
valley Ward to finish off my mission. I'm happy, because I love it
here :)
I was able to go to a baptism in the Bethany home Ward, and see some
of my old peeps... it was so good seeing old friends and talking with
Sister Mckenzie and I taught primary last week, and your women's this
week. Primary is always fun because you get to sing, and ask cute
little kiddos questions about Jesus. Their responses are always the
A couple of weeks ago we got to color horses hair with Koolaid....
that was so fun, and it looked awesome when we were done. I also
killed a wolf spider.... those things are freaking ugly haha.

We were able to get a new investigator this week!! We shared the
"because of him video" and asked him about his relationship with Jesus
Christ. After talking for 15 minutes or so, he stops and looks at us
and says "wow! I feel really warm inside right now.." I wanted to
scream "THATS THE SPIRITTTTTTT" but that probably would've been weird
of me so I didn't haha.

I have about 3 weeks left on my mission, and I'm just trying to make
the best of it. AZ has been such a wonderful experience and the people
have been even better. It's amazing the feeling I get when I'm serving
others.... I absolutely love it.

Have a great week!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

17 months!!!!

I seriously cannot believe that I've been on my mission for 17 months.
It's seems like time is going by quick these last 3 months of my
mission. It's fun to look back at old journal entries, and see how
much I've grown while I've been out here!

This week I had a lot of meetings... I went to MLC and zone
conference, and that's where I met my new mission president, president
Collins. It's great to meet him, I know he's going to do great things
for this mission. I wish I had more time with him!!

For the past 2 weeks sister Mckenzie and I have been trying to contact
a referral that we received for a recent convert that moved into our
ward. We literally went over to his house 5 times... and then last
night.... we got him!! We caught him on his porch, which was perfect
because 1. He couldn't run away .... and 2. We were able to have a
great conversation outside!! Since we can't go inside without another
woman... anyways we set up a lesson for this week... so I'm excited to
teach him.

I hope y'all have a great week!!

Love, Sister Arnold

1. My kinda street
2. We all came out together and we can't believe we're coming home soon!!

President Collins!!


I got a new mission president this week! His name is president
Collins, I get to meet him tomorrow at MLC. So, I'm excited!

This week was good, today we were at Walmart and the cashier saw my
name tag and started talking about how she was always interested in
learning more about the Mormon religion. She just moved here from New
York, and is super nice!! So, we exchanged numbers and set up a time
to come over and teach her more. You never know where you're gunna
meet someone who is interested in the gospel!

Last Monday I had the privilege to see my brother, Evan. My mission
president was kind enough to let us see each other for a few hours.
I'm so proud of him, and his decision to serve a mission. Missions are
awesome!! I've been able to learn so much, and most importantly come
closer to my father in heaven.

Love y'all!!

1.  Cute Gracie
2. I love you evan!!!!!

Monday, June 19, 2017

I am Sister Schwarzenegger


This week was a ton of fun, and super busy so it went by quickly!

On Thursday we went to a service project called "Project Connect". It
was such a great experience, this was the second time I got to provide
service. If you ever get the chance to do it, DOOO ITTTT!! So
basically what it is, is a place where homeless people can come and
get the things they need. The volunteers (me) were assigned a person
to take around to the various stations and get what they need. Some of
the stations were - haircuts, clothes, showers, identification, phone,
and many other things. Sister Mckenzie and I were able to take around
a guy named Scott. I wish I had gotten a picture with him... he is so
great, and it was awesome to get to know him. He told us that he had
been homeless for 26 years! He is a war veteran, and told us about his
life living in the streets, and just about himself in general. It was
such a blessing to meet this man, and see his side of life. Seriously,
if any of you get the chance to participate in project connect, I
highly recommend it. I would do it again in a heart beat!

Then on Friday we had a huge mission party since president and sister
griffin ARE LEAVING US :(
It was a really fun day, but it also made me very sad.... I love the
griffin's. They have become my parents here on the mission, I'm going
to miss them.
ANYWAYS! So we had a ton of fun and played games. We had some indoor
"get to know you" games. The first one had a lot of questions like
"have you ever been out of the country" or "have you ever climbed a
tree in a skirt" and we had to go around asking everyone if they had
done those things. The first 5 people to get it done, won. I was #4 so
I got a prize ;) and the 5 of us were dubbed "friendliest
THEN we had a superlative kinda thing going on. I think the options
were "best hair, best dress, person who spends money the fastest,
Schwarzenegger, most likely to get into the olympics" so out of those
categories we chose both an elder and a sister. We all voted for
president Griffin as best hair for the guys. It was funny because he
has no hair.
I won sister Schwarzenegger for the sisters. Pretty sure it was just
because my last name is arnold, but still.... that's a pretty sweet
name ;)

We had 4 investigators come to church yesterday, which was awesome
because that's the most I've ever seen in this area. I'm grateful that
I'm able to serve, and be apart of the Arizona Phoenix Mission. I have
a very strong testimony that we are assigned to a specific mission
president who will benefit our own growth. President and sister
Griffin have been just what I needed. They have helped me, in more
ways than one. I've been able to learn so much from president, I'm
eternally grateful for him, his love, his love of our savior and his
service as a mission president. He has changed my life!

Have a good week, time goes by fast, so make the best of it.

Love y'all!

Monday, June 12, 2017

It's Hot!


I haven't had to much time to write anything today..... or did I and I
just didn't do it? I'll let you be the judge of that HAHAHAHA.

Anyways, this week was pretty good. But this next week will be even
better!! I'll write a super good email next week. For now, know that I
am alive and suffering in this Arizona heat. (Jk)

I love you all!!!

Best Sacrement Everrrrrrrr

Okay I had the best sacrament meeting ever on Sunday. So, I have been
teaching this girl named Tiana. I've taught her from the very
beginning with sister posadas and so I feel a real connection with
her. Background: her husband is an inactive member, she's been taking
the lessons from us for almost 2 months now.... and she has 2 kids.

OKAYYY. so Tiana has never come to church since I've been teaching
her. AND ON SUNDAY SHE CAME!!!! With her whole family too!!! So it was
fast and testimony meeting and her inactive husband gets up to hear
his testimony...... which was amazing. He said that he knows the
church is true and a bunch of other stuff. It was just a great
sacrament meeting in general. A lot of people got up to bear their
how she knows the Book of Mormon is true and the church and even
though she's not a member yet, she's excited to become one.

She is on date for baptism in October. The reason why is because she
wants her husband to baptize her. BUTTTTTT. Now he has an interview
with our bishop to discuss him getting the priesthood (I guess he
never got the priesthood when he was younger) so we will see when he
can get it and then we will probably move her date closer. So I hope I
get to see her baptism before I go home :)

Sent from my Soul

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

RIP little bunny, Go to church, I'm Hangry


This week I participated in a bunny massacre.

I didn't mean to.... it was dark and the poor bunny thought it would
be a good idea to run right in front of my car.... and, well you
obviously know the rest. It was a tragic day.

These past few weeks have been fun! We had interviews with president
Griffin, those are always fun. I love my mission president and all of
his many stories.

Yesterday I was just hangry all during church. And the wonderful part
about that is we went way over in both sacrament meetings. Some people
just have too much knowledge in their brains!! I wish I had that

We found a new investigator this week. And we have potential to get a
couple more next week. The work has been picking up in this area!! And
it's fun to be apart of it. Teaching is so fun, and I love the spirit
that I feel when I'm in a lesson.

I'll tell you a quick story-
Once upon a time, little sister Arnold had just came out on her
mission, it was her first transfer, her first area, well it was her
first day. ANYWAYS. She was able to teach the most amazing family that
night with her very very amazing companion. Long story short, they all
got baptized a few weeks later..... fast forward a year and this
family was sealed in the TEMPLE!!!!! I love love love that I was able
to teach this family and hear about their wonderful experience in the
temple. I love the temple, knowing that families can be together
forever makes me excited to have my own eternal family some day.

Anyways! Have a good week. Do service and love one another.

1. Go. To. Church.
2. Exchanges with the petty monster
3. I took dat.
4. Immodest peep
5 6 7. District
8. Comp
9. I ❤ AZ

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Share the gospel not because you have to, but because you love it.


These past two weeks have been busy! With MLC, Zone meeting, and Zone
conference I've been able to learn so much from my mission president
and the leaders of the mission.

I don't have much to report on this week, but I just wanted to bear my
testimony of the pure simplicity of the gospel. I have exactly 3
months left on my mission, it's been the hardest thing I've ever had
to do but the most rewarding so far. For those of you who are
struggling, doubting, going through trials, and wondering if god is
even there for you..... he is. And he loves you more than you can ever
comprehend. I've seen small glimpses of heavenly father's love for
those that I teach, and come in contact with.  I love my mission, and
wouldn't trade these experiences for the world, but that doesn't mean
that it hasn't been hard. In those hard times I've been able to lean
on my savior, and feel his unconditional love. It's something that
nobody can truly explain until it's been experienced. And that's what
I have been able to teach on my mission. I teach about God's love for
his children, about Joseph smith and how he restored the gospel of
Jesus Christ, about how families can be together forever, where we go
after this life and why we are even here, and many many more things.

I wouldn't be out on my mission if I didn't know it was true. I share
the gospel not because I have to, but because I love it with every
fiber of my being. I know that the gospel can bring everyone
happiness, I've seen it for myself. The Book of Mormon is another
testament of our savior. These past 15 months have been so worth while
and I am forever thankful for this experience.

Anyways, I love you all. Have a great week!!!!

1. My favorite little Jackson
2. Sister friends
3. Temple
4. Zone
5. Buffalo
6. Cutie Jessica
7.  I love Arizona

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Samoan music speaks to me


This week was pretty cray with transfers and such. So my little
Filipina friend went home. *tear* she made me go stay with some other
sisters in the mission.... basically she ditched me.... but it's fine.
She's back with her family so that's all that matters:)

My new companion is sister McKenzie. She's a ball of fire, and a fun
lass. She has introduced me to this Mormon group that sings (in
Samoan??? I apologize if I got that wrong) Samoan.... anyways I love
it, and it's just the best. Beautiful voices.

I gave a talk in church (2nd one. I'm in a roll ;) ) and it was about
service through missionary work. I decided to talk more about christ's
life and what he did. In the end I talked about the atonement and how
that was the ultimate service because he loves us. I thought it went
pretty good.

We had a miracle happen, a lady came into one of our wards (non
member) and said that she just moved here and that she's been
investigating for a bit. So now we have a lesson with her tomorrow and
I'm excited!!

This week should be a good one... we have lots planned :)

I love you all! Have a great week!!

-Sister Arnold

1. The district (haha elder litster)
2. Beautiful Arizona. I love cacti.