Monday, June 19, 2017

I am Sister Schwarzenegger


This week was a ton of fun, and super busy so it went by quickly!

On Thursday we went to a service project called "Project Connect". It
was such a great experience, this was the second time I got to provide
service. If you ever get the chance to do it, DOOO ITTTT!! So
basically what it is, is a place where homeless people can come and
get the things they need. The volunteers (me) were assigned a person
to take around to the various stations and get what they need. Some of
the stations were - haircuts, clothes, showers, identification, phone,
and many other things. Sister Mckenzie and I were able to take around
a guy named Scott. I wish I had gotten a picture with him... he is so
great, and it was awesome to get to know him. He told us that he had
been homeless for 26 years! He is a war veteran, and told us about his
life living in the streets, and just about himself in general. It was
such a blessing to meet this man, and see his side of life. Seriously,
if any of you get the chance to participate in project connect, I
highly recommend it. I would do it again in a heart beat!

Then on Friday we had a huge mission party since president and sister
griffin ARE LEAVING US :(
It was a really fun day, but it also made me very sad.... I love the
griffin's. They have become my parents here on the mission, I'm going
to miss them.
ANYWAYS! So we had a ton of fun and played games. We had some indoor
"get to know you" games. The first one had a lot of questions like
"have you ever been out of the country" or "have you ever climbed a
tree in a skirt" and we had to go around asking everyone if they had
done those things. The first 5 people to get it done, won. I was #4 so
I got a prize ;) and the 5 of us were dubbed "friendliest
THEN we had a superlative kinda thing going on. I think the options
were "best hair, best dress, person who spends money the fastest,
Schwarzenegger, most likely to get into the olympics" so out of those
categories we chose both an elder and a sister. We all voted for
president Griffin as best hair for the guys. It was funny because he
has no hair.
I won sister Schwarzenegger for the sisters. Pretty sure it was just
because my last name is arnold, but still.... that's a pretty sweet
name ;)

We had 4 investigators come to church yesterday, which was awesome
because that's the most I've ever seen in this area. I'm grateful that
I'm able to serve, and be apart of the Arizona Phoenix Mission. I have
a very strong testimony that we are assigned to a specific mission
president who will benefit our own growth. President and sister
Griffin have been just what I needed. They have helped me, in more
ways than one. I've been able to learn so much from president, I'm
eternally grateful for him, his love, his love of our savior and his
service as a mission president. He has changed my life!

Have a good week, time goes by fast, so make the best of it.

Love y'all!

Monday, June 12, 2017

It's Hot!


I haven't had to much time to write anything today..... or did I and I
just didn't do it? I'll let you be the judge of that HAHAHAHA.

Anyways, this week was pretty good. But this next week will be even
better!! I'll write a super good email next week. For now, know that I
am alive and suffering in this Arizona heat. (Jk)

I love you all!!!

Best Sacrement Everrrrrrrr

Okay I had the best sacrament meeting ever on Sunday. So, I have been
teaching this girl named Tiana. I've taught her from the very
beginning with sister posadas and so I feel a real connection with
her. Background: her husband is an inactive member, she's been taking
the lessons from us for almost 2 months now.... and she has 2 kids.

OKAYYY. so Tiana has never come to church since I've been teaching
her. AND ON SUNDAY SHE CAME!!!! With her whole family too!!! So it was
fast and testimony meeting and her inactive husband gets up to hear
his testimony...... which was amazing. He said that he knows the
church is true and a bunch of other stuff. It was just a great
sacrament meeting in general. A lot of people got up to bear their
how she knows the Book of Mormon is true and the church and even
though she's not a member yet, she's excited to become one.

She is on date for baptism in October. The reason why is because she
wants her husband to baptize her. BUTTTTTT. Now he has an interview
with our bishop to discuss him getting the priesthood (I guess he
never got the priesthood when he was younger) so we will see when he
can get it and then we will probably move her date closer. So I hope I
get to see her baptism before I go home :)

Sent from my Soul