Monday, January 16, 2017

Do you want to pet my Arizona dinosaur?


We street contacted into this guy on Wednesday, and he asked us if we
wanted to pet his Arizona dinosaur... Arizona dinosaur aka his little
old dog. It was sooooo funny! My companion and I were trying so hard
not to laugh as we tried to share something spiritual with him. He was
just a really nice man with an Arizona dinosaur!

This past week we had interviews with our mission president. I love
interviews!! It's nice to see and talk to President and Sister
Griffin. They both go home this July, so they mentioned that they have
talked to the new mission president and wife. I'm excited to see who
it will be!

This past week I started reading The New Testament AND the Book of
Mormon. I really have enjoyed reading the New Testament. In Matthew it
talks about Christ, and the miracles that he performed on earth. Well,
that's just a little bit about what I've read. So far, I am enjoying
it! In one verse... I think it was in chapter 16 of Matthew, I read
about Christ teaching the people on the shore. He was in a boat and
was teaching those on the shore. I stopped reading, and thought about
what that would be like... to stand on the shore and hear christ's
teaching... to hear his voice and SEE him. What do y'all think it
would be like?

I was reading in Mosiah 26: 29-30 and it says:

29 Therefore I say unto you, Go; and whosoever transgresseth against
me, him shall ye judge according to the sins which he has committed;
and if he confess his sins before thee and me, and repenteth in the
sincerity of his heart, him shall ye forgive, and I will forgive him

30 Yea, and as often as my people repent will I forgive them their
trespasses against me.

Verse 30 especially stood out to me. As OFTEN as we repent, we will be
forgiven. How comforting is that? It just makes me think how merciful
our god is, and how extremely fortunate we are that we have a savior
that helps us through our trials.

Missionary work is amazing. Keep doing all you can do!

Love, Sister Arnold ❤

1. Da district
2. Haha my companions expression says it all
3. Your favorite Sister Arnold!!! (Well hopefully)

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