Wednesday, April 26, 2017


So, I've been pretty busy all day today. This email will mostly be
just pictures! My baby sister posadas went home yesterday.... I cried
just a little bit. But I'm happy to see her going home. I'll just have
to go visit her in the Philippines :) I'm staying in my current area
for another transfer! (Wahooooo!!!!) so im pretty excited about that.

I have a cool story this week for y'all. So sister posadas and I were
driving to visit a less active... as we turned onto a street I noticed
there were car keys in the middle of the road... so I was like ummmmm
let's go see if we can find the owner of those keys! So basically we
knocked on doors until we found this lady and they were hers! We then
asked if we could share a message about Jesus Christ and she said
yes!!!! So, she's a new investigator. All because some keys were in
the road. Pretty cool :)

Have a great week! Love y'all!!

1. Pigs
2. District
3. Our mission is having a photo challenge and this transfers theme
was car cleaning!

Monday, April 10, 2017

14 months wahhhtttt

Hi everyone! I am 14 months old today, and that is absolutely crazy to me!!

This week was hectic. We had back to back exchanges, meetings, and a
murder mystery dinner that we went to.

I was able to hangout a little bit with the French sisters, it was
super fun to get to know them more and see how their area is doing.
Then, I was on exchanges with sister Perceval in my area. We did
service, taught lessons and had a great time! I'm grateful to be an
STL, I'm able to meet so many sisters and get to know them.

On Saturday we went to black canyon city, we received a media referral
for a guy who "wanted a book of Mormon" we went with our ward mission
leader, brother stranger, because it was a single guy and we just
wanted to be safe. Anyways, he wasn't interested. He wanted to argue
why we were wrong, and why the trinity and all of those things were
right. At one point he told us that little babies are sinners HAHA
just the way he said it made me laugh. I accidentally busted up
because I just couldn't help it... anyways that was interesting.

Have a great week! Love you all.

- Sister Arnold

1. Le district
2. A member gave this to me.
3. Murder mystery dinner was so fun
4. It was a glasses kinda day on Sunday