Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloweeeeeen!!!


October flew by so fast. It was a great month! Conference, zone conference, lessons, trunk or treat and many more fun activities! I hope you all have a fun and safe night AND get as much candy as you can...

So this past week was great! Sister Urbina and I have been trying to walk everywhere just so we can have every opportunity to talk to people outside! We are blessed with a car, but sometimes we miss those opportunities to talk to people who are out and about. I guess we could do it from our car, but I would be a little creeped out if some missionaries were yelling at me from their car haha. 
Also.... we get a certain amount of miles that we can use a month on our car.... and we're out :) hahahahaha. 
We had a great lesson with one of our investigators who has a baptismal date. He is so prepared! Every time we go into his home, he has questions and he's read and he is just so ready!! He loves coming to church, and I love seeing him interact with the Ward. It's great. 
Transfers are November 9th.... they're coming up so fast :( 
Anywayyyysss... this week was a great one, sister Urbina and I are finishing this transfer strong!! 

Love, Sister Arnold 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Sup ya'll


Not much to report on this week.... we are working with an
investigator who has a baptismal date in November though! We are super
excited, especially because he is progressing SO well. He knows this
gospel is true, and he's seen the blessings already. It's really cool
to see people grow and change over a period of time, it strengthens my
testimony so much!

I am really blessed to be in the Bethany home Ward, I really do love
it here. I've been able to meet so many awesome people and learn so

Here are some... pictures :) enjoy!!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Shouldn't you be home with your husband?


HAHA. You know, there are some really funny and crazy things that happen to missionaries. It was around 8:00 at night, and sister Urbina and I were walking back to our car after a lesson. We decided to street contact a man who was just sitting on his porch. Before sister Urbina or I could say anything he goes "Not interested, shouldn't you girls be at home with your husbands??" The sassiness in me came out and I replied "No, because we don't have husbands. But thanks!" Afterwards, we got in the car and just laughed about it. So random. 
Anyways, this week was good and bad. But we all have those weeks right? We had a lot of lessons is week, which was great! I love teaching people, especially about the gospel. 
Something that I've really been trying to work on is street contacting. It's hard, sometimes to just go up to a random stranger and ask them if they would like to hear a message or talk to us. But I've noticed that every time I talk to someone I feel better, and every time I let that one person pass me I feel HORRIBLE. I'm just trying to open my mouth at all times! 

This week, I'm thankful for my Ward family, family, and friends. Well, I'm thankful for y'all all the time but this week especially. I'm thankful for the constant love, and support. It really helps, especially in the toughest of times. 
I went on exchanges with my STL (sister training leader) this week and she told me she really likes how I show love for everyone I talk to. Which is really nice to hear because that's what I've been working on lately. It's so important to love everyone, even when it's hard. It's hard to have that Christlike love for EVERYONE, but I think it's something that everyone should strive to do. Plus, you're more happy when you have love in your heart rather than hate or anger. Nobody is ever going to be perfect at it (besides Christ haha) but it's something that we need to try and do. I promise that is we show love to everyone we meet, we will not only be happier but our testimonies will grow! 

Love you all. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Oh Phoenix

Hello all!!

This Pday just so happens to land on my 8 month mark. 8 months already?? Weird.

Anyways, this week was pretty good. Sister Urbina and I street
contacted, biked, knocked doors and preached da gospel. I've seen some
pretty amazing things come from street contacting too, and you know
what's one of the freaking best things about being sister Urbina's
companion? SHE IS SUPERB AT STREET CONTACTING!! She literally has no
fear when it comes to that, she has taught me so much! So, we were
able to street contact into some people and find potential
investigators! We have around... 3 lessons I think this week that
could turn into investigators! I'm stoked!!

If any of you have a chance, go look up the talk "Cast not away
therefore your confidence" you can look it up on or the gospel
library app. It is a devotional given by elder Holland from a BYU

It talks about when we have felt the spirit and why it's so important
to keep the spirit in our lives. He says:
    "Beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was
right when you prayed about it and trusted in it, it is right now."

That is something that has been on my mind. There are times in our
life where we feel like Heavenly Father doesn't hear us, or that he
simply isn't there. I know, because I've felt that before. I think
everyone does at least once in their life. The thing is, he is there.
He is listening to your prayers, and he is answering them. Sometimes
it's hard to see those blessings or listen to his promptings, but I
can tell you that he's there! And he loves you!
Don't give up, don't let the things of the world weigh you down,
because they will if you let them. Pray, read the scriptures and be
worthy for that spirit. It is so easy, so easy to fall back into the
ways of the world. But with Heavenly Father and Christ, things seem
easy, and those impossible goals seem easy to achieve. I love this
devotional because it gives me hope, and it gives me motivation for
when I'm feeling low. Read it, you won't be disappointed :)

Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us, and he always will. No
matter what you do! That's a fact.

Monday, October 3, 2016

General Conference Weekend!

Hi y'all

Well this weekend totally made my week!! I love general conference,
and it's amazing as a missionary! I felt the spirit so strongly as I
watched it, and I had all my questions answered :) if y'all haven't
watched it yet, watch it!! It's amazing.
I was thinking a lot about prayer this week. Prayer is the single most
amazing thing that we have the ability to do. And it doesn't matter
what religion you're in... Prayer is great for all. Heavenly Father
loves to communicate with his children, and that is why it's so
important. I've seen so many blessings and prayers answered. I find
that each of my prayers have been answered in a way that I didn't
expect. Be worthy to have that ability to get those answers.
I love my mission, I love the people that I'm able to serve, and I
love my father in heaven.

This week has been crazy, sister Urbina and I have been trying to
street contact like crazy! Also, we got roommates!!! So we have two
more sisters in our apartment now! Should be fun :)

Have a great week. Love and serve the best you can!

Love, Sister Arnold

                                              Polaroids are cool
                                                    I love her