Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I had an absolutely great week. My companion and I, sister Urbina get
along so well and we have so much fun! We were able to teach a lot of
people this week! We have someone on date for baptism this Friday and
we are so excited for him!!! We also were able to go to zone
conference and have discussions given by the AP's, elder Johnson, and
president & sister griffin. I love going to zone conference because
I'm able to see a lot of missionaries from the mission!

Go watch Missionary work and the atonement!!!

I highly recommend that you all watch this video. Elder Hollands
snippet got me into tears from the first 2 minutes. So far my whole
mission has been about bringing souls to Christ. What a wonderful
thing to be doing and to be apart of! I truly have grown so much over
these past 6 months.
I talk about it quite a lot, but I know that families are made from
God. I know that families can be together forever, and that we will be
able to see our loved ones again. It's never easy to lose a loved one,
a friend, someone you look up to. But, it does happen and it is hard.
There's a really great talk given by Merrill J Bateman and he spoke in
the April 1995 General Conference. His talk was titled "The power to
heal from within" he talks about death and how heaven only exists if
families are  eternal. Isn't that we all want though? To be with our
families for forever? That's what I want! Surely when I die, I want to
be able to see my loved ones once again.
He says:
"Death teaches that we do not experience a fulness of joy in mortality
and that everlasting joy can be achieved only with the assistance of
the Master (see D&C 93:33–34). Just as the lame man at the pool of
Bethesda needed someone stronger than himself to be healed (see John
5:1–9), so we are dependent on the miracles of Christ’s atonement if
our souls are to be made whole from grief, sorrow, and sin. If
grieving parents and loved ones have faith in the Savior and his plan,
death’s sting is softened as Jesus bears the believers’ grief and
comforts them through the Holy Spirit. Through Christ, broken hearts
are mended and peace replaces anxiety and sorrow. Last week I received
a letter from the boy’s parents telling me the peace they have found
through their faith in Christ. They know that they will see their son
again and be with him in the eternities. As Isaiah stated concerning
the Savior, “Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows:
… And with his stripes we are healed” (Isa. 53:4–5)."

At the end he talks about receiving a letter from "the boy's" parents,
he's talking about his friend who had recently lost his son due to a
car accident. I love reading things like this because it gives me
hope, strength, and the ability to turn to my savior when I need him
the most.
It's really cool when you start to realize so many things about the
world when you aren't even in the world!

I love being a missionary :)

Love you all!!

-Sister Arnold

Held a baby on my mission. It's a rule no baby holding😕

Monday, July 18, 2016

Shoe Tans


To explain the title, sister Urbina and I have been trying to bike
everrryyyyy day! A little motivation that we give ourselves is that we
can potentially have the coolest shoe/watch tans in the whole state of
Arizona. And we actually have pretty sweet ones already!! Hers is
better than mine... But I'm working on it :)

This week flew by, I feel like Pday was yesterday! We had a lot of
things happen this week... We have been tracting, doing visits, and
service projects. It was a great and busy week. On Friday we had a
zone meeting and it was really centered around being bold. Being bold
enough to go up to a random person on the street and testify of Jesus
Christ ,ask them to meet with us, and be baptized! It can be kinda
scary at first, but it is so worth it. So this zone meeting we talked
about why it's so important that we be bold and to testify. Then we
took a short break and played some mafia. Hahahahahahahaha. It was so
fun to loosen up, laugh and have fun with the zone.

Sister Urbina and I are doing really great. We teach well together,
and we have fun! I really look up to her, she hit her year mark on
Friday and so we decided to go to the temple! I really needed that
extra push/ recharge for the week. I always love going to the temple,
there's a special feeling there that I can't get anywhere else.

I was snooping around sister urbina's gospel library a couple of days
ago and I found a really cool tag she had. It's from the October 2015
General Conference and it's called "Discovering the Divinity Within."
I really loved a certain part in it and it's been on my mind all week;

"Because you are His child, He knows who you can become. He knows your
fears and your dreams. He relishes your potential. He waits for you to
come to Him in prayer. Because you are His child, you not only need
Him, but He also needs you. Those sitting around you right now in this
meeting need you. The world needs you, and your divine nature allows
you to be His trusted disciple to all His children. Once we begin to
see the divinity in ourselves, we can see it in others."

How can we discover the divinity within ourselves? God loves each and
every one of us, and he is there 24/7. I love my Savior and my
Heavenly Father, each day when I think I can't do this anymore I think
of the love my savior has for me and the love he has for his children
all over the world. I know this gospel is true, and I want to be able
to share it with heavenly father's children. This week go and read
that talk, I promise that you will get something out of it. And if you
want y'all can totally email me what you loved most about that talk!!

Have a great week. I love you all.

- Sister Malloree Arnold

  Thanks Grandma Arnold for the tattoo fruit roll ups!

                                                         Ha Ha Exchanges !!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Hello everyone!!

Great week in the APM. It was transfer wee this past week, and I am
now with sister Urbina!! She is so great, and is a terrific
missionary. We have been absolutely on fire these past few days. We
are constantly seeking for opportunities to serve and teach everyone
around us! I love it!!

Funny moment of the week.... So we were tracting and we were knocking
doors and we literally knocked like 10 doors and nobody answered.
Then, we knocked this one door, and it had a glass door so you could
see inside the house. This lady comes to the door and looks at us
through the glass so I say "hi! How are you today!" And she sees our
name tags... So she said (from the inside of her house mind you) sorry
I don't have the key so I can't open the door! Now I'm sure this lady
meant well and who knows she literally probably needed a key to get
herself out of the house from the inside. It was just humorous to
me... She was friendly though!! :)

We had district meeting this last Friday, and the district totally
mixed up on me!! Right now I am the only missionary from the district
last transfer. It switched up quite a bit. But that's okay, it gives
me the opportunity to get to know more missionaries in the mission!
And we have a pretty solid group this transfer, it's going to be fun.

I've been thinking a lot about charity and the pure love of Christ
these past few days. I've felt so much love for my ward, my companion,
and those around me. It truly pays off to serve others. So I challenge
all of you to work on one attribute of Christ this week. Just one....
Because if you try all of them you'll go a little crazy. But, I know
you'll be able to see a difference in your life. It's not easy, but
it's so worth it.

Have a great week, I love you all.
Sister Mallorees Arnold
Ps thanks Gradma Arnold for the Package. I haven't gotten it yet but hope to this week.

Le District 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Crazy week

Hi everyone!

Well I don't have very much to say about this week.... Overall it was
just really crazy! Sister Moss and I have been companions for a week
and I absolutely adore her. She's simply the best and I'm sad that we
don't get to be together for another transfer!! We were able to put
someone on date, which is just a huge tender mercy. He is so ready for
the gospel and he knows that it's true.

It makes me so happy to see these people and their faith grow. Every
day I get to teach people about the gospel and it just makes my heart
so full. A little bit of transfer news:

I will be staying in the wonderful Bethany home ward!!! (Yippy)
And my new companion is going to be Sister Urbina!!! I'm so excited,
we are going to have so much fun!! I have some high expectations for
myself this transfer and I know that we are going to be able to
achieve them.

This week I've been thinking a lot about families. I think about this
every week, if there's one thing that I could teach the whole time on
my mission it's about eternal families. I'm thankful for mine, and for
the future one that I will have. It's so important to know that we can
live with our families forever.

Have a great week! Love you all.

                                                              my home Texas!!

Have a great week 

Sister Arnold!!