Monday, June 27, 2016

Elder Holland Whaaaaaa

This week was flippen legit. "Why?" You might be asking..... Well
1. It's just awesome being a missionary
2. My ward is the best
4. My el companion and I were able to go to the temple with my zone
5. Elder holland.......!!!!!!

So overall my week was pretty fantastic. We were able to teach and get
2 new investigators this week!! Wahooooo!! They seem super solid which
is really really great.
A little story about elder holland.... We had literally no clue he was
going to come. He actually was supposed to visit our mission last
transfer but there were problems with his flight and he wasn't able to
make it. So, (this just show how awesome he is) he called up president
griffin and was like "hey I'm gunna come and talk to the APM (Arizona
phoenix mission) on June 22nd, okay? Okay." Haha. So we all get an
email last Monday saying that we have a mission conference on
Wednesday the 22nd... And we were all like "crap, what's going to
happen... !!" Because usually we know about mission conferences a
couple of weeks in advance. So we all get there and we're all nervous
because we don't know what president Griffin is gunna say/do!! We were
all in the gym trying to line up for a group picture (fishy..) and in
walks elder holland with president Griffin and sister Griffin. The
room went dead silent, because we didn't expect him to be there at
allllllll! President and sister Griffin had the biggest grins ever and
all of us were just shocked. So we took the picture and then we filed
into the chapel, we each got to shake his hand which was super cool of
him. I really loved his talk/discussion, it's exactly what I needed to
He talked about missionary work. Which, was appropriate since he was
indeed talking to 180 missionaries. He talked about being strong until
the end of your mission. Nobody is here on a 1 year mission, and we
shouldn't taper off! We need to constantly be working even when we
don't want to. "Kick when you don't wanna kick, stroke when you don't
wanna stroke"
He then talked about conversion and how the Holy Ghost is the key!! We
as missionaries teach but we aren't the ones who convert people... The
Holy Ghost does. "Whatever the issue, the answer is the spirit." He
then promised us at least one conversion on our missions, and that's
I loved hearing elder holland speak. He has such power and faith
behind his words, it makes me want to not only be a better missionary
but a better person. I think this experience has definitely shaped my
mission more.. It makes me think of the kind of missionary I want to
be/become. A consecrated, obedient, and trust worthy missionary who
listens to the spirit. That's the key.
Later that night sister Hansen and I taught a mission prep class, that
was a lot of fun. I had planned out this huge discussion, but because
of time I wasn't able to do it all. I felt prompted to share what I
had learnt from elder holland, and I think that had more of an impact
than what I was going to share previously. It makes me excited to see
people right before they head out into the field because everyone has
so much potential. Everyone has the ability to be a missionary and
contribute in this great work.

I say this every week, but I love my ward so much! They are really
really great to us and help us out so much. I'm thankful that I have
the chance to serve in this ward and to get to know the people here.
I'm thankful that I am a missionary at this time.. Yes it's so hard
and yes I have some days that I just want to quit. But then I have
days that make all the bad days worth it, and I think that's just like
real life. (Haha real life) we have days that are hard and we have
days that just make us want to quit everything. But the good days
outweigh the bad, why? Because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are
always there for us. Christ knows us personally and he wants to help.
Turn to him in your time of need, and I promise you will notice the

I'm thankful for so many things... My family, my friends, and those
who I have met and am able to teach. I'm thankful for this work and
the blessings that I've seen not only in my life but those around me.

Have a great week everyone. Make some miracles happen!!!

Love, Sister Malloree Arnold

Made some pinewood derby cars for some children 

Pheonix Temple

Apm and Elder Holland


Monday, June 20, 2016

"Oh sister arnold you need sunscreen!!..... I literally put 2 pounds on 5 minutes ago..."


Where to begin..... This week was hot!! On Sunday it reached to 119!!
Good thing we were in doors though. This week was a pretty great week!
We were able to get a lot of things done, and do a lot of service.
Monday night we were able to have family home evening with a family in
our ward, the Miller's. Sister Hansen and I absolutely love them to
death, so it was a really great to spend time with them. We were able
to go and visit a lot of people, which made me really happy because
that's what we do as missionaries. We provide service, teach the
gospel, and visit those in need! I love being a missionary because I'm
able to meet so many people and learn about their lives and about how
we can help them come closer to Christ. We also had a few lessons with
two boys who we have on date to baptize on July 2nd!! We are really
excited for them :) I love the Bethany home ward, they have shown us
so much love and compassion. I hope I never get transferred!!
Since it was Father's Day yesterday I read the talk given by Elder D.
Todd Christofferson titled "Fathers". It was given in the April 2016
conference :) (look it up its good) I'm not actually sure why I chose
to read it, because it just made me miss my dad a whole lot, but it
also made me thankful. I really liked when he said -
      "Perhaps the most essential of a father’s work is to turn the
hearts of his children to their Heavenly Father. If by his example as
well as his words a father can demonstrate what fidelity to God looks
like in day-to-day living, that father will have given his children
the key to peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come. A
father who reads scripture to and with his children acquaints them
with the voice of the Lord."
How awesome is that. Fathers are amazing, and I'm really happy that I
am able to not only have a father here on earth but also a Heavenly
Father. I know that he loves us and he wants the best for us. I'm
thankful for fathers :)

Anyways, this week was great... I'm trying to not get skin cancer
every day... I drinking like 2 gallons of water every day (probably
not but I try to drink a lot), and I'm just being my crazy missionary
self. I love you all!! Have a superb week!

I love this family

our legs??

this is Arizona

my peeps

I'm gunna miss my gonzo bean when she goes home to the Philippines :( 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Would you like some chips and salsa?ummm ... Is that a question?

We just had a lot of chips and salsa this week.....

What a crazy crazy crazy week. Sister Hansen and I had a lot to do,
and not a lot of time to get it all done. We biked like crazy this
week... Luckily it was only around 104-106 degrees this week...... I
can't believe I just said that but it's true. It's about to get into
the 118-120 in the next week so we should be taking advantage of this
"nice weather" haha!
Sister Hansen and I have been going around the ward and doing a fun
little summer FHE with everyone! This time we had it with a cute
little family in our ward named the Riffenburgs. They are such an
awesome family and the FHE went great! We talked about how Heavenly
Father has given each of us unique talents and gifts and how we should
expand on those gifts that we have been given!
On Saturday we had zone meeting, sister Hansen and I gave a discussion
on obedience. We are the only sisters in our zone!! Which is actually
really fun, but we wanted to make this discussion super super fun. We
handed each elder an Oreo and told them if they could wait to eat the
Oreo until after the discussion then they would get a bigger prize!
It's kinda like that one experiment where the little kids get a
marshmallow and if they wait an allotted amount of time they got a
second marshmallow! So we talked about obedience and how we are doing
as a mission, what we can improve on, and what we want to do better.
Preparing for this lesson made me think of how obedient I'm being as a
missionary. I want to be the most obedient that I can be, because I
know of the blessings that can come from that,not only for myself but
for my investigators as well. At the end of the lessons we gave them
oatmeal cookies and watermelon :)
We had a meeting with our ward mission leader on Sunday... Well
actually every Sunday. But he gave the spiritual thought this time and
he used 2 Timothy 2:1,3 and it says:

1 Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

Endure hardness!!!!!! It's only but a moment in the grand scheme of
things. Missions are crazy hard, but so so worth it. It's definitely
something that I needed to hear. Be a soldier and endure!! I just love
that verse, it gives me so much gumption! ( gumption is my new
favorite word by the way... It's just cool ) be strong and face the
hard challenges in life. Yes it's hard, yes it sucks sometimes, and
yes you have to put in a lot of work. But being able to say that
you've done those hard things and you endured them will increase your
testimony by so much. Work hard, be good and be Christlike to everyone
around you. I promise that you will notice the blessings.

Have a great week, I'm thankful for you all!!

- Sister Malloree Arnold

She's not sentimental. So as a joke I made her get out of the car and pick this up. Hehe :) 

Palm tree Sunday

We just biked... And we're waiting for our appointment so we found some rare grass and laid on it. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

118 degrees = sweatballs

Yes you read the title correct, I have biked in 118 degree weather
this past week. And it will just continue to get hotter which is the
awesome part. I feel like a human sweatball... It's not a very
Pretty sight, but hey I'm teaching the gospel so how awesome is that??

This week was pretty good, it went by very quick!! Sister Hansen and I
have become very good friends and I'm thankful for that. It's nice
when you get along so well with your companion because it makes it not
only easier to live with each other but easier to teach together!! She
is such a great missionary and she's only been out 2 weeks!! She's
great and we have so much fun together. :)

On Saturday I went on exchanges with the lovely sister Bauer. She's my
STL (sister training leader) so o was in her area for a day. We were
right by Midwestern university so we were able to talk to a lot of med
students. Their area is great!!! Plus a member took us to get chick
fila for dinner..... It was a beautiful thing.....

On Sunday I was able to bear my testimony. I don't think I've done
that in a long time but it was about time I did. Yesterday morning
before church sister Hansen and I watched a video by Neil L Anderson
and he said to "always have the savior on your lips, testify always of
him". That's what I bore my testimony on. I realized that even being a
missionary I could talk more about our savior. So that's my goal! To
constantly be talking about Christ and trying to be Christ like in
anything and everything I do. I love being on my mission. It's very
very hard sometimes but meeting people and creating those
relationships with those in my ward has been so worth it. It makes me
excited for the future and what I want to do with my life.

I've already been out 4 months..... How crazy is that?? It seems like
just yesterday I left Texas for the MTC. I'm glad I'm gaining
experience by serving heavenly father's children. It truly brings me
so much happiness.

Have a great week, love you all!!!

I love this family!

Palm trees erryyyyywherrreee

My sister frands
I look gross sorry

I like messing with the elders

Literally the only good pic we took at the Temple haha

HAHAHAHA!! Jared burr is the bomb.
(Second counselor in the bishopric)